08.05.202X - 10.05.202X - More Thoughts

Didn't sleep too well tonight. 

Might have been the blood I donated. I kept getting too hot, then too cold, then too hot again.

It's 6 AM now so I figured I might as well brew some coffee, shake off the tiredness and get to work.

It's been raining for 2 days now, at least. I really don't mind the rain (quite the opposite), and our crops will stay watered, but the thunderstorm kinda worries me. 

Also, no proper sunlight means no solar power, so I'll have to do the rounds and check out the generators again, keep them topped up and fixed up.

Wrote some stuff yesterday before going to bed. "Military Order 466". What does that mean? Is it a shoot-on-sight policy?

At least there's still someone out there.

Doesn't mean I'm not worried, though. God I'm scared. 

What if this spreads to Japan?


What if I won't have a home to come back to?

What if this is my life from now on?

Living one day at a time, fearing for my life, tilling crops and siphoning fuel and killing and killing and killing until eventually the fuel pumps run dry and we go back to huddling in front of fires, eating rats and squirrels because our canned goods ran out a long time ago?

If there's anyone out there, please help us.
We're holding strong, we're holding fast, we're staying alive, but for how long?

Please, help us.


I'm scared.

9 AM. 

Corpse cleanup detail. 

Stacked the rotters high outside the fence, waiting for the rain to end so we can burn the bastards. 

The stench is wafting into the compound as-is, and I don't even want to imagine what it would smell like a couple weeks from now.

After that, I did a quick patrol round along the perimeter (nothing but corpses), and decided to use the little passageway we built from the compound to the storage lot next door to see if I could see anything further.
Visibility is terrible, but I did manage to spot 10 rotters shambling around.
We usually never have them this close to the compound.

Even more reason to take them out. 7 shots, 10 dead rotters.
Call me Simo Heiha (?) because that was some real good fucking shooting.

I think I'll just leave them be, didn't see any of them wearing anything interesting.

Drank a cup of (very strong) coffee afterwards and made pancakes. A pretty decent morning, if I say so myself.
Next up, gas run.
We have a few empty gas cans and I figure it's better to be well prepared. 

Me and Jenny managed to get a generator hooked up to the gas station, and it seems to be working flawlessly. 

Score one.

Sayori out.

Noon. Managed to get the HAM radio working properly. Listened to the emergency broadcast system. Not like there are any other channels broadcasting anymore.
Numbers. "5...2..." and then static.

Got some weather reports as well, but there was too much static to make out the most important things. Looks like tomorrow is gonna be even rainier than today.

I do like the rain, but it's too rainy to drive properly, since you can barely see as far as the headlights go and braking is an absolute nightmare, even with the tires repaired. 

Despite that, the gas run was quick and painless, and I went about packing the gas cans in the crates we have, best as I could. 

I really don't know what to do right now. I could go clear out more rotters up north, feeling kinda bored.

Going to take another look from the storage lot roof, see if the gunshots attracted anything. 

Maybe brew another cup of coffee.
Maybe head north. 


Can't really see anything worth doing at the moment, the others are all either sleeping after night patrols or out doing recon, trying to find other survivors. 

I could pop Valium, but I'm running low. 

Shooting rotters will have to do.




The rain has stopped and the sky looks beautiful. 

Going to go for a drive, methinks. 

The road to Rosewood is largely clear now, and I think the prison might still have some valuable loot inside. 

Going to pack my toolkit and sledgehammer just in case.



06:10, 09/05/202X

The raid was a resounding success, apart from one minor thing. I've got a really nasty fever.

Still, I must have gunned down at least 300 rotters at the prison alone. The road to Rosewood is as clear as ever, saw maybe 1 or 2 shamblers along the road.
Rosewood itself is a bit worse and might require proper cleanup.

As for the haul, well...

I hitched a trailer to the APC and still couldn't manage to fit everything.
Scopes, lasers, guns, ammo in every caliber, riot armor and helmets...

My pistol ammo storage box is overflowing with 9mm, which means I could take the new MP5 out for a spin once I heal up.
Suppressors on, dead of night, stalking along like the shadow of death I am.

Been tallying kills and I think I'm over 6500 now.

6500 dead people. And more keep coming.

I don't think there is a Japan anymore, not as I know it.
Either it'll be overrun with rotters and my friends will all be dead, or I'll be so changed from all this bullshit I won't ever see it as home anymore.
I need a Valium and a lot of sleep. 

Maybe a heavy dose of morphine.



04:50 10/05/202X


We went up to West Point today, after clearing out some zombies in Muldraugh.

I was the last one in and the last one out and my APC is filled and

I almost fucking died today. 

Rotter scum snuck up behind me, ripped my neck open.
Managed to blast the piece of shit and pour out some hemostate quickly enough, stitched myself up after.

Still feel weak.

I want to die, if not peacefully, then on my own terms, at least.
Not gnawed open by some half-rotten abomination that has no reason to exist in this world.


I hate this.

I hate them.

I hate everything.

Writing this on the road back to Muldraugh, we left around noon and must have killed 500 rotters while there, place was a goddamn bloodbath.

Hey journal, you remember earlier, when I wrote I'd feel bad if a cure was found and all of those people could have been brought back?



Kill them all. We're going to purge every town in Knox County, then every town in Kentucky, then every town in the fucking world.
We have guns, we have ammo, and most of all, we're still human.

I don't care what the world looks like anymore.
I want these rotten pieces of shit dead. I hate to say it, but I hope they feel pain.

Sorry about that, not feeling too good right now. Popped a Desoxyn and a Tramadol so I'm kind of cruising, but there's still something gnawing at me.

The Tramadol helps with the neck pain at least, and it should heal up fine soon enough.

Until then, rest.

Also, I lost my hat when fending off a horde. I know I have spare ones just for this occasion, but it still feels unfair. 

I loved that hat.

I'm going to pop another Tramadol, feeling a bit of pain again. Still in shape to drive.

We cleared out both the police station and the pharmacy, though.
More supplies than we know what to do with.

Once more survivors start appearing we might start building smaller forts in nearby towns and clearing them out, like the Romans used to do.

We all want these shits dead. 

I'm coming home, one way or another.

Fuck anything that stands in my way.



I finally managed to get everything sorted. The wound on my neck seems to have healed up quicker than expected, although I'm still keeping the stitches and bandage on, just in case.

I have a sudden urge to kill. 

I want to destroy these vile fucking creatures. 

I loaded 13 mags of 5.56, another 6 of .45, washed myself, and now I think I'm going to go out and look for some good old-fashioned ultra-violence.

I want at least 50 down before I go to sleep.

Gonna paint my face and head up north. I wanna take the M14 out for a spin at some point, maybe snipe a bit, but for now all I need is my trusty Armalite.

You fucking rotters better get ready. There's a storm coming, and it's going to wash the streets clean of your putrid stench.




The weather's getting warmer by the day. We're at 16 degrees now and just a light jog already has me feeling sweaty. Summer is coming.

Summer. Sakura
Blossoms falling, decaying in
The sweltering heat

Found a house filled to the brim with toilet paper wwwwwwww
Fucking idiots hahaha

Ah well, at least we won't have to worry about that anymore, think I found almost two hundred rolls...

Seems like the rotters go dormant during the night, almost like they're sleeping standing up.
Packed my MP5, but sadly broke the red dot sight on it. 

Had an energy drink and I'm ready to kill more.

I must have iced at least a hundred of them when I went out earlier.

Not gonna sleep tonight, that's for sure.

"Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the most vicious motherfucker in the entire valley."


Or something like that. Going out now. 

Thank God for rain.

Went further up north in Muldraugh. Iced those scum left and right. 

You know what?



We have to kill them all.

I'd rather die a thousand times over than ever be one of them.

Damn them all to Hell. I hate them so fucking much.


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