
02.04.202X - Bastards

02.04.202X - BASTARDS Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.   Fuck the rain, fuck the asphalt, fuck running away. He wouldn't have believed it if he heard it yesterday, not with a hand on the bible, not under oath of perjury.   Why now? He'd just gotten two weeks of leave approved, he'd just gotten away from the giant pressure cookers at Blue Grass and the fucking poisons they were “neutralizing”, he'd promised the wife he'd finally prioritize being a good fucking father figure to Tina, but instead–   Him. A deserter. Leaving his post, leaving his comrades, leaving everything behind. Not in a million years. Never.   fuck the gravel and fuck the disease and fuck the rain and   Still, what choice was there? He let out a shaky, raw breath, copper in his mouth and lungs, raw, bloody copper ripping his throat open like a million hooks forcing their way out through his windpipe, and he kept going. A tired eye trained on the treeline, he cursed and swore and grit his tee


  cABC(DE), or Let's Make People Care, Together. Having a well-stocked (and well-thought-out) first-aid kit in your car, bag or on your person can mean the difference between life and death, but having the bare minimum found in pre-built hardware store/pharmacy kits or even just a gauze roll can be enough to save a life. But a car full of fancy tools won't help anyone if you don't have the knowledge how to use them and aren't confident in your own abilities. Take courses , train with a friend, self-educate, gradually work your way up to more high-stress scenarios, take courses , build a kit according to your means and needs, take courses . The world is horrible and uncaring sometimes, but we can't change that, at least not alone. What we can do is care. We can be the right person in the right place for the people that aren't. It's a harsh and unfair world out there, and it doesn't care how wonderful a person is to you, doesn't care ho