20.06.202X - Persona
Persona “ ...adio .” Mishka cleared her throat and pointed towards the corner, struggling to speak. Slow, raspy breaths. Uncomfortable questions. Mishka didn't know – had she listened? Maybe she hadn't, maybe she'd missed it somehow . Or maybe you just skimmed over it. “ Yeah, the... radio.” Sayori began, still unsure whether she should tell the truth or not. On one hand, honesty is a virtue, on the other, well… They could have been her friends. “ Just a moment. I'll grab you some water.” She tip-toed away, mind racing. Of course, she could always lie about it – that might have been the safest route. Too many variables. But still, barring the whole “honesty is a virtue” thing, didn't Mishka deserve to know? Well, yes , but at the same time… No. A big fat no from a big fat liar. The bottle was comfortingly cold – the summer heat had made itself more than apparent, whether you were indoors or not, and this would most likely be exactly what Mishka ...